يسعدنا الإعلان عن أن جمعية ZHEJIANG INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION ستقوم بافتتاح فعالياتنا: Gulf 4P، Mach & Tools Saudi، وCTW 2024، في 18 نوفمبر 2024! وستنضم إلى الجمعية نخبة من الشخصيات البارزة وقادة قطاع البناء للاحتفال بافتتاح هذه المعارض المنتظرة بشغف.
We are thrilled to announce that ZHEJIANG INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION will inaugurate our events—Gulf 4P, Mach & Tools Saudi, and CTW 2024—on November 18, 2024! The association will be joined by esteemed dignitaries and construction leaders to mark the opening of these highly anticipated shows.
We look forward to welcoming the Director of ZICA and other distinguished guests as we celebrate this momentous occasion and kick off four days of innovation, partnerships, and business growth.